Application Usage

What is Application Usage and how does it work?

Application Usage is a measure of the amount of time each staff member spends on individual applications during the day. 

Minimised applications, or applications that are not in focus, do not count towards this measurement of time.

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Why is Application Usage important?

By understanding application usage within an organisation, you can modify your decision-making process to reduce Application Sprawl.

Application usage is very useful when making decisions about how ICT is used within an organisation. As a decision maker you can:

  • See in almost real-time which applications the organisation depends on to perform its day-to-day activities.
  • Remove assumptions about application usage within the organisation.
  • Make informed decisions about applications. For example: “Should I spend money on an application that is only used by 10 people?”; or “Should I invest money in an application that is used by the whole organisation to make it perform faster?”

An issue that affects large organisations is Application Sprawl. It becomes a problem when:

  • Patching must be completed in line with a well-defined scheduled process with a minimum monthly release cycle.
  • All critical security patches must be deployed within 48hrs of release.
  • Unsupported operating systems exist in the environment.
  • Scanning of endpoints for missing patches is based on a predefined schedule.

Introspectus Key Features

What's the solution?

Introspectus records the active application of each ‘in focus’ window and records the ‘start time’ the window becomes active and the time when the window is no longer active. This information is used to generate reports on a user’s actual application usage.

We remove the guesswork about application usage in your organisation, by defining what is being used, by whom, and for how long.

Assessor Application Usage